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Practice Research Network

Using the MFT-PRN Data

The data is accessible to clinical researchers who can use the data to understand how people change in therapy. The results of this research will be made available to clinicians to use in helping their clients. No identifying information, such as names or birthdays, is associated with the data that is available to researchers.


From Our Clinics

Wu, Q., McWey, L. M., Ledermann, T. (2020). Clients’ attributions of the presenting problem and the therapeutic alliance in couple therapy: Systemic versus intrapersonal perspectives. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12432

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Wu, Q., Parker, L. P., McWey, L. M., Ledermann, T. (2020) Couple satisfaction, depressive symptoms, and the therapeutic alliance: A systemic perspective. Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12594

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Wu, Q., McWey, L. M., Ledermann, T. (2022). Which therapist perceptions best predict client outcomes? A naturalistic examination. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Doi:

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Wu, Q., Su, T., McWey, L. M., Ledermann, T. (2022). Individual’s pretreatment psychological symptoms and progress in couples therapy: A person-centered analysis. Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12713.

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From the Global Network

Johnson, L. N., Miller, R. B., Bradford, A. B., Anderson, S. R. (2017). The marriage and family therapy practice research network (MFT-PRN): Creating a more perfect union between practice and research. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 43(4) pp. 561-572.

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The Marriage and Family Therapy Practice Research Network (MFT-PRN): Creating a More Perfect Union Between Practice and Research (

Anderson, S. R., Johnson, L. N., Miller, R. B., & Barham, C. C. (2021). The Couple Relationship Scale: A brief measure to facilitate routine outcome monitoring in couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.

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Miller, R. B., Nebeker‐Adams, C. A., Anderson, S. R., Bradford, A. B., & Johnson, L. N. (2022). The development of a reliable change index and cutoff score for the SCORE‐15. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1–13.

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